Pandemic Flu Alert: Media Reports Virus Vaccine Contamination
Natural Solutions
Big Pharma Company “Accidentally”
Contaminates Vaccines with AVIAN FLU VIRUS
Many of you may already be aware of this late-breaking story. It is being widely reported around the world, but the US MMD (media of mass deception) appears to have a blackout placed on it.
World media are reporting that Baxter Pharmaceuticals has admitted that it “accidentally” contaminated various vaccine batches with Avian Flu viruses. These batches were shipped to 18 countries. Clearly, either 1. stupidity and incompetence or 2. intentional contamianation of flu vaccine lots was at work.
Number 1 is easy to understand. Number 2 comes into focus quickly when you realize that there are many competing Avian Flu Vaccines already in production and in the Pharma “pipeline” although Avian Flu has been slow to become pandemic by “jumping the sepecies barrier” to humans in large numbers.
Vaccines are profitable ONLY if used in huge numbers. Competing vaccines, for a disease which has yet to pose any reasonable threat, have a tough economic row to how. But a good, solid cluster of cases, or, better yet, several clusters, would create a hue and cry for those vaccines which is difficult to imagine. Bottom line for Big Pharma? One of the biggest wins in history. Bottom line for Little People? A manipulated disaster of unprecedented magnitude precipitated by unprecedented avarice and greed.
Baxter International Inc. is no stranger to recalls and contamiantions:
January 17, 2008 Recalls 9 lots of heparin sodium injection products due to a higher than usual number of reports of adverse patient reactions after suspending production, Jan. 2008
February 28, 2008 Voluntary recall of all remaining lots and doses of its heparin sodium injection multi-dose, single-dose vials and HEP-LOCK heparin flush products
July 30, 2007 Baxter recalls faulty infusion pumps
February 2, 2006 Urgent recall letter on faulty volumetric pumps classified by FDA as a Class I recall{FE374F7D-FCE4-40B8-99CF-4E0A0C46F058}
July 24, 2001 Albumin Buminate 5 percent, used to treat burn and shock victims, recalled following revelation that it was tainted with HIV-2
December 12, 2005 Dialysis machines recalled due to faulty transfusion tubing which kinks
October 21, 2001 Baxter International Inc. recalled some of its blood-cleaning filters pending results of an investigation into the deaths of 23 kidney dialysis patients in Croatia
So conspiracy or stupidity, either way, a potential pandemic was nearly unleashed on the world.
What happens then? Here is what the US has planned:
1. Immediate demand for mass vaccination without the right to object on religious or other grounds.
2. Compulsory vaccination or detention under Patriot I, Patriot II, BARDA, BioShield I, BioShield II and/or State Emergency Medical Powers Acts.
And here is what the UN has planned:
1. The “North American Plan for Avian & Pandemic Influenza” provides that in the case of a pandemic, “U.N. law along with regulations by the World Trade Organization and World Health Organization as supreme over U.S. law during a pandemic” setting the stage for militarizing the management of continental health emergencies (Jerome Corsi,
Baxter mixed a virus which has a hard time infecting people (H5N1 Avian Flu) with one that infects them easily (”Seasonal Flu”) in a medium which can promote mutations of the H5N1 virus into a type which can infect us easily.
Your action is needed now. Click below to send your letter demanding that Congress pass legislation NOW assuring your right to refuse vaccination whether there is a declared Pandemic or not.
If, in the event of a Pandemic, you choose, for example, to take safe and effective Nano Silver - - rather than dangerous and potentially deadly vaccines, this MUST be your right without being detained or declared a felon, forcibly detained or otherwise moles.
Now that you have this information, please make sure that everyone you know gets this information from you with the request to take action and send this on to their contacts as well.
We will continue to post updates at: Health Freedom Blog
We first raised the issue of Weaponized Avian Flu as a real threat to world security last summer. Since then we have revisited the issue as developments warranted. We questioned how many laboratories around the world had pharmaceutical and gov’t funding for weaponized Avian Flu research, and how many such “studies” were needed to guarantee that a virulent version of the virus would escape containment and lead to a pandemic. That question still remains unanswered. However we now see that even the most sophisticated pharmaceutical containment systems are not full-proof. And what was the Avian Flu virus doing “accidentally” in the vicinity of vaccines?
We must be clear: we do not know if this “accident” will lead to a world wide flu pandemic. We pray not. But what we want the most is for you all to be prepared.
You can see our reports this summer about the Weaponized Avian Flu here:
And here is pandemic preparedness information: Advice on how to protect yourself during a pandemic
March 3, 2009 - Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries Natural News
March 5, 2009 - ‘Accidental’ Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus Virtually Impossible Aotearoa: a wider perspective
Attachment: nap_flu07.pdf
Ever since the two towers fell our government has been a paranoia's dream come true. Interesting that I hadn't heard about it here of course. Explains the bug that has been going around with symptoms like I've never heard before.
ReplyDeleteExcept the bug was noticed before it was ever released in the general population, plus the vaccine was sent to Europe, not the United States, so your uninformed analysis aside. it wasn't bird flu that was the so called bug you witnessed. The few people that have been exposed to the contaminated virus have all come back negative for being infected.
ReplyDeleteWell that makes it alright then Matt? No foul.
ReplyDeleteI need to fix some the links in this to make them clickable, but I'll do that a bit later.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have some comments on this I want to add.
That is not what I am saying but someone suggesting that because they read a blog post that they now have a grasp on some people they know of being sick, when in fact they know no more now than they did before they read this, unless under the most unlikely of circumstances, they would know one of the handful of people that were in contact with this contamination. Even then, those that did come into contact with it were given a clean bill of health, so it still wouldn't explain anything. I am not in any regard saying sending out tainted shipments is a good thing, but neither is someone inferring that they now know why people are sick when in fact they don't. In both instances it makes the people involved look foolish.
ReplyDeleteTry explaining the bug going around now in the U.S. that have symptoms I've never seen before. I would tend to think that the truth is obscured.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how many people you have treated on a medical basis to know just what symptoms you have or haven't seen, but I haven't seen a dearth of medical professionals out there claiming that they have patients, all with similar symptoms and no successful treatments for any of them. Maybe I just have my head in the sand on this one, or maybe the entire medical community is involved in a grand conspiracy, but I still don't see how a tainted medical shipment sent to Europe which has been accounted for leads to a grand illumination of an illness that seems to have befallen your acquaintances.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't aware that there was a bug going around over there with unusual symptons.
ReplyDeleteGiven that influenza's seem to mutate a vaccine formulated for one year may be ineffective in the following year, since the influenza virus evolves rapidly, and different strains become dominant, so it is normal to see different symptons from one year to the next.
I have a copy of the plan that I got from the official SPP.GOV site about 12 months ago. The document was released in Aug 07 after the Montebello summit. This is the same document that Corsi refers to as his source for that information.
ReplyDeleteI think it's about 50 pages long so I haven't browsed through it yet to confirm or refute his allegations.
Edited to add: I have attached the document.
I didn't read the entire thing either (I was sleeping while running a virus scan on my computer, sorry) but the last paragraph of page 3 of the plan says that the SPP plan (the SPP by the way was one of those pieces of evidence Corsi touted as being proof that there was to be a North American Union, but I digress) will be complementary to each nations laws and existing agreements, that domestic response plans trump was is in the document.
ReplyDeleteOne of Corsi's tricks, he being of the right wing nutbag variety, is to ramp up and exploit existing xenophobia in the United States, so that everything foreign takes a back seat to the United States. You want to scare someone that their rights are being taken away, just tell them that instead of the patriotic laws of your country, you will now be subjected to those international ones. Just as his quest to find the missing Obama birth certificate isn't based on some need for the truth, but to show that Obama is some crazed Muslin terrorist. That is in essence his schtick and among the right audience it is a lucrative one. It is why he doesn't do reporting for a respected publication, but writes instead for a far right website whose claim to fame is that Chuck Norris is one of their opinion columnists.
We have a flu bug going around here that the flu shot that they gave us will not stop, i was told its not a severe one though. No one should be forced to take shots that are contaminated.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I'm aware the WHO does have a global pandemic strategy, but I'm still trying to get my hands on a full copy from a credible source.
ReplyDeleteFortunately it seems that it was picked up early enough that it wasn't widespread. The first report I read stated it wasn't even a vaccine but it was only experimental virus material and was never part of a product in production for use in humans.
ReplyDeleteFirst off let me apologise for being so ill prepared with this post.
ReplyDeleteI thought I had saved this as a draft, as I planned to do a little more research, but apparently I must have published it instead. *blonde moment*
I have several concerns about this situation.
Is the article correct that there is/was a media blackout in the US? The contamination was discovered in early Feb, and I read a couple of articles about this & saw a youtube clip approx 2 weeks back.
I would certainly think a scandal as serious as this, involving an American Company would warrant enough public interest to be widely reported. Or does Bristol Palin's love life rate as far more news worthy?
What I haven't been able to establish is who is actually investigating what happened? Is this being left to Baxter Pharmaceuticals to do an inhouse job? I do believe I read that the public health authorities in Austria did perform an audit at the research facility there and found their preventative actions were appropriate. Does this mean Baxters are off the hook? If they were appropriate how did the "accidental contamination occur?"
I'm less interested in the speculation as to who did it and was it deliberate. If it was deliberate and I had to hazard a guess I would be putting my money on it being motivated by greed. If you spend a lot of money developing a vaccine for a disease you need people to actually get the disease so you can sell the vaccine...
In my humble (okay, when have I ever done anything humbly) opinion, this problem is two fold. On one hand, the news media by and large are relatively ineffective. This is due to the fact that budget cuts are continually cutting down the number of people that actually cover stories and many alleged news outlets opt for infotainment instead of actual journalism.
ReplyDeleteThe blame doesn't lie solely at their feet however, as they are just doing what the public wants. If the public wanted detailed anaylsis, there would be far more people watching CSPAN than say Bill O'reilly or Keith Olberman, but the sheeple want entertainment, so that is what they get.
I can't say for sure that this was given the time on the news that it should since I only catch a limited amount of the National news. Yes to answer your question about what receives more press time. As my post about Barbie shows. That was last week's lead-off big story. One thing for sure your post has generated a lot of comments about the whole situation. And my earlier comment here just mixed it up a little to generate even more. Those who split while I was recovering still leaves a sour taste and sometimes I'll take a shot just cause I can. I am not a doctor but I've been around awhile in this life space and whatever is going around here now is unusual in the least. Because of the world economy all things are suspect these days.
ReplyDeleteThis is the first I have heard of this. Being where I am, that is not a surprise. Also, kimchi cures everything, (rolling eyes), so I am safe. All kidding aside, I will do some research. I the company is being left to police themselves, then (imo) that is downright idiotic.
ReplyDeleteAs a slight correction, Baxter is an international company and the actual contamination took place in a Baxter lab in Austria, not the United States. That doesn't mean it isn't newsworthy, but it is less likely to show up in the American media when it didn't take place here. I don't particularl;y like that aspect of our media, but I acknowledge its existence.
ReplyDeleteUnless the Canadian Press is involved in this somehow, or the story has since evolved, they are stating that 4 countries were involved, not the 18 that the Natural Solutions people claim. Again I don't want to sound like this is somehow a good thing, any contamination isn't, but I wonder if the Natural Solutions people didn't exaggerate their numbers to better fit their agenda as well.
As for my source on the material, here is the link....
In that link you provided Matt it states the contaminated material was supplied to the lab in Austria. Not that the contamination happened there. Yet I have read varying accounts of the number of countries, some saying the sample was never intended to be used in vaccines - that is was for research purposes only, others saying a small number of people were injected. Yet a further example of how pathetic the press are - they can't seem to get the facts straight about this one.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I am singling it out as an American company is because before it expanded globally it was an American Company.
that article Matt supplied stated the WHO is monitoring the situation, somehow that doesn't give me much comfort...I can't think of a single example where they have made one bit of difference in a health crisis.
ReplyDeleteThe article also states
ReplyDeleteThe contaminated product, which Baxter calls "experimental virus material," was made at the Orth-Donau research facility. Baxter makes its flu vaccine - including a human H5N1 vaccine for which a licence is expected shortly - at a facility in the Czech Republic.
Orth Donau is in Austria.