Thursday, 26 November 2009

Finally we get a chance to see what you all have been raving about....Ben and Jerry's are opening their first Australian store in Sydney tomorrow.


  1. ...Not that we plan to go there opening day. They are giving away free icecream so it will be packed I imagine.

  2. Wow now that's huge! I remember when they started in my area, took a few years then they were everywhere! There's a local place down the street from me that beats them big time. (-:

  3. I'm curious to see how they stack up against locally made ice cream. I actually prefer NZ icecream to Aussie made.

  4. My pseudo-Italian Uncle claims he makes ice cream like you crush grapes for wine, with his feet

  5. I won't be surprised if the local ice cream wins out. I look forward to more on this scoop. (pun intended) (-:

  6. I'm yet to see an American import be better than anything we have to offer. McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Dominoes, Taco Bell, Krispy Kreme and the like are all shit.

  7. well i think any ice cream loving person will like it. i even like it and i am not an ice cream fan. they have holiday flavors out here right now that are divine. my favorite if i have to choose is either the magic crownie or the sorbet. but dont make me choose ;) krispy kreme i only like fresh from the fryer. however i prefer local tastes over most corp brands. sometimes you cant beat local quality lee :) and sometimes you cant beat the big name stuff either :)

  8. brownie not crownie lol my typos are terrible tonight :)

  9. toe jam flavoured ice cream.....ummmm pass :-p

  10. Thanks - keep those flavour recommendations coming....

    Not sure when we will get there, it may have to wait until Lee has one of those rare days off. The store is in Manly, which I think is roughly an hour or so drive (even avoiding peak hr traffic). They have picked a good spot though, beautiful beach & popular area in the summer for tourists & locals.

  11. I wonder if the flavors they will offer to you are the same as whats available state side.

  12. I cant see what all the hype about B & J's is, dont care for it myself, I preferred the Stone Cold icecream that I got in USA when I visited now thats yumm (think thats what they called it anyways, Im sure Angelique, or Leslie or jean will put me right on the correct one lol)

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  14. i think thats it alli stone cold creamery or something like that. and i have heard that is great stuff too. not had the chance to try it.

  15. I am not a fan of B & J, not that I think it is bad, just overpriced. I prefer just standard old ice cream or if I am in the mood for a cone while out and about, I have my favorite place that does just fine in that regard as well. Same with many of the places that Lee mentioned, there are better places locally that can do most of those items without all of the hype. There is a certain novelty to a few of them, that being that no matter where you go the food always tastes the same, a comfort factor if you will, but anyone that has lived in a specific area for any amount of time will surely find better options from local merchants than to purchase from a bastardized name brand.

  16. My fav is Marzipan Madness, but i think its seasonal, or rare, or in the graveyard (they actually have a graveyard at the factory) cuz i cannot find it any of the local stupidmarkets lately. In a pinch Cherry Garcia willl do, thanks.

    I just like their creativity. I've not seen any other marizpan ice creams. I have a serious devotion to marzipan, too, so i look!

    Anyway, i've heard that they are really really good to their employees, and are as green as green can be. Plus the whole non-hormone milk and stuff.

  17. Our local ice cream makers are seasonal only, so B&J is great on the off season. I like being able to curl up with a gourmet flavor that has been waiting for me in the fridge until I have free time to indulge. We have some other locals that have unusual flavors in the shops now that are very good, too. B&J are located in Vermont, a state we went to often as a child on unannounced trips in the RV with Dad. I won't buy any milk here with hormones, so it feels good to know my ice cream is safe.

  18. ooooh.... Happy Day! Cherry Garcia is my fave B&J flavor... vanilla ice cream, big chunks of dark chocolate and big maraschino cherries.... enjoy! :-D

  19. I wrote before reading other's comments... what a wide variety of tastes we all have :-)

  20. I have never had a Ben and Jerry's. Living on the east coast of Canada has always meant that we get everything last...which is not a bad thing. I remember when the only MacD's was a 45 minute drive from where I lived in a city of less than 300,000. Too bad it didn't stay that way. Here in Korea we have Baskins and Robins. My favorite at the moment is Blueberry Oatmeal...YUM>

  21. Mmmmm... Cherry Garcia. I could eat a bit of that... TODAY! ::smiles::
