Thursday, 5 August 2010

Furry Vengeance (2010)

Genre: Comedy
Tonight I was checking out a few movie trailers to see if there were any recent movies I want to put on my list to see. I decided it would be easier to compile a list of the movies I have "no intention of ever seeing" & thought it might be fun to review one of these movies.

I always struggle with comedies, I have to admit I don't find many American comedians all that funny, my taste is definitely more British/Australian.
In fact I secretly suspect that the "real joke" behind most American comedy movies is some kind of secret bet between the likes of Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, Brendan Fraser etc is about which one of them can make the most horrible hollywood movie & still rake in the cash.

I'm not sure whether or not this particular movie is aimed at environmentalists or geared more towards people whose comprehension level peaks at enjoying jokes involving flatulence.

We can try a little experiement. Let's see how much of the following trailer you can stand to watch before it gives you brain damage.

(Caution: Do not drive a car or operate machinery after watching this trailer)

So?? Did you make it past the squirrel? If so, I offer you my condelences. Yes I did watch the whole thing (for the good of the team).
It appears this movie is full of those photo-realistic animated critters which are made to appear to be doing tasks & full of cutesy human affectations.
I hate this type of thing! What's even worse is that the animal antics still look more natural than the human counterparts in the movie.

I wouldn't go see this movie if I was offered free tickets & the "all you can eat" popcorn deal!


  1. I liked the trailer,butI think I will wait until it its TV. It's not a movie I would go and see at the movies or download umm I mean hire the DVD lol

  2. The team thanks you and takes your word for it! :-D

  3. I will first say that this might be the type of movie I would be stuck watching if I were visiting my family, another reason why I don't go home all that often. Some of the names you cited I don't find as all that funny either, Brendan Fraser being one of them (can anyone name a good movie he was in?), Eddie Murphy hasn't been funny in about 20 years. Not much of a fan of Ben Stiller either, though Tropic Thunder wasn't bad (and it had a good Tom Cruise performance in it *gasp*) and I haven't really seen enough Chris Rock movies to go one way or the other on him.

    That being said, I have begun seeing trailers for the Kick Ass DVD (either coming out soon or already out) and while I saw it at the movies, I might go ahead and splurge for the DVD as well.

  4. I would give that one a shot at watching.

  5. I feel it's my public duty.....if I can prevent one case of brain damage it's worth it :-p

  6. Anything with Brendan Fraser is automatically a bad movie

  7. i had to sit thru that trailer once already, it was on another dvd that we were watching, and i couldn't find the remote fast enuff to skip it.

    It's sorta sad for me. I usta think that Brenden Fraiser was sorta hot. Now i just sorta thing he has brain damage. (Or one hell of an alimony reponsiblity)

  8. Every time I see this I say it out loud to myself and it sounds like: For Revenge-ance ;-)

    Is revengeance a word??

  9. ...but in a midwestern accent... we pronounce "for" as "fer" :-D

  10. ?Ugg,that sucked and I'm damn sorry I watched that much.I think Ben Stiller can be good but I have a list of actors/comedians I won't watch because they are just not funny.

  11. i rented this movie thur redbox.. all i can say is glad it i only had to pay a $1 to watch. it sucked the girls didnt even like it

  12. You're right almost all American comedies make me want to gag! They are really silly these days.

  13. well if you do come across a good one let me know...I tend to give comedies a wide berth.
