This documentary is nearly 2 hours long. It was aired on French television and is a documentary that probably won't make it onto American television. The gigantic bio-tech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years. Imagine how powerful you would be if you had control over the world food supply? With seed patents Monsanto appear to be well on the way to achieving that.
~We all need to wake up!
Btw that is all true too. Vandana Shiva covered this topic very well in her book "Stolen Harvest".
ReplyDeleteDid you know that about 5 or 6 global corporates control more than 40% (probably more than that by now) of the world's food supply. Monsanto is one of those companies.
I'll have to read that book, this is an issue that has bothered me for a long time, it is disgusting what these large corporate entities are doing and getting away with.
ReplyDeleteWell I totally recommend her book. Its also very readable. My copy came from the University Bookshop in Christchurch. You might find it online if you google.
ReplyDeleteWithout wanting to sound like a conspiracy theorist, it seems to me that controlling the food supply is a very good way to be controlling human populations - far more effective than controlling oil even.
They do make that point in this documentary.
ReplyDeleteWhether it's considered a conspiracy theory or not their objective seems clear enough to me & they seem to have no qualms about falsifying their research to do it.
I thought they might. I will come back to the doco when I have some time, I have just finished watching an hour long interview on someone else's site about deep politics in the US. I know need to stre-----------------------tch...
ReplyDeleteI know that feeling, seems I spend 90% of my time on here watching long vid's
ReplyDeleteI don't have time tonight as I have to work over the weekend and monday. Will this be kept up till then so I can come back to watch?
ReplyDeleteIt's already reminding me of the codex alimentarius I watched a couple weeks ago.
And thanks to Iri for the title, will see if amazon has it.
it's true, you can easily spend an entire day here and not get anything done in the real world about any of the stuff you're reading/watching online! It's a conundrum!
ReplyDeleteNo problem, it will still be here.
ReplyDeleteI actually want to watch it again myself at some stage during the week.
I will give it a go this weekend at some point... I hope.
ReplyDeleteMonsanto, now there's a familiar name from my past, long story (not telling :P). Wow, I'll have to set aside some time to check it out.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping to post a few links later on this subject, for those who are interested but don't have the time to watch the vid. My bookmarks section is such a mess I need to tidy it up so I can find them.
ReplyDeleteYou've got me curious now Leah....damn it lol
It makes you sort of want to take up heirloom seed collecting doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteEh Ang, you big baby LOL! It's just that I knew a few people who worked for Monsanto. You can breathe now :D.
ReplyDeleteYes it does....
ReplyDeleteThanks for the explanation, I'm relieved to hear you weren't a Monsanto lab rat lmao
Naw Ang, you're getting me mixed up w/ Lee again. I know our names are similar, but gheeze woman!
ReplyDeletehahaha....actually that does explain a lot! lol
ReplyDeleteLOL! We all know where Lee came from.
ReplyDeleteGenetically modified food and crops
ReplyDeleteThe introduction of genetically modified (GM) food and crops has been a disaster. The science of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another was supposed to be a giant leap forward, but instead they pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. In addition, the real reason for their development has not been to end world hunger but to increase the stranglehold multinational biotech companies already have on food production........ more on this at
ReplyDeleteI remember that episode....freaking hilarious
I'd actually rather be the ratboy Leah than the scared little bitch that starts running and crying lmao
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering if somehow an extra 2 hours has been added to the day, making it a 26 hour day. I mean after all how else would Leah have time to watch this video after ALL the video's she lmfao
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, just one other thing while I'm still in this page. Genetic foods are ummm bad mmmkayyyyy!! lol
ReplyDeleteWe need to talk about your TPS reports...did you get the memo?
ReplyDeleteA scared little what? Boy you got me mixed up with YO MAMMA!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't talking about you blockhead!! I was talking about the crybaby in the video lmao
ReplyDeleteLOL! I'd be mad but I'm still laughing at blackhead!!
ReplyDeletealsmost as good a way to control populations as religions have done and still do !!
ReplyDeleteUmm not's blOckhead, but if you prefer to be known as blackhead then thats fine too pmsfl
ReplyDeleteI knew that name was familiar.
ReplyDeleteLook what I found when trawling through my bookmarks.....
excellent point Paul.
ReplyDeleteYou can borrow my bat....
ReplyDeleteShe probably wouldn't know which end to swing it with lmao
ReplyDelete*Inhale Wheeze* Dead Lee walking!!
ReplyDeleteCool, great find Angie and there are even Vandana Shiva videos!!!
Oooo I didn't even notice the vids *slaps forehead*
ReplyDeleteThis is where I hope the free market can make a difference. Buy only organic non-engineered food. Sure it cost more, but why cheap out on your health and well-being? There are places on the planet that we can't feed unless we actually make sturdier more resistant crops they tell us. Well, food grows just fine in our country. Why are we being served it, too. Greed. I'll get the organic, fresh food. My only lament is that the government in the US controls the organic sticker. I don't trust them to do a good job. They mess up everything but the post office.
ReplyDeleteI'm inspired to fight. Oregon, my home state, is very liberal and into having government meddle in our daily lives. If you can't beat them, join them! I can start a product labeling campaign to show which products contain genetically modified foods. I wonder if I even want to know. If anywhere in the US will require this, it's us "whackos" out in Oregon.
ReplyDeleteI was about to turn my computer off and head to bed when I saw your comments Greg.
ReplyDeleteI have also found a new energy and determination to try and do something about this, rather than just be a passive observer.
I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of Australian organisations to see what I can do in a voluntary capacity to help them meet their objectives against these giant multi-nationals. We can make a difference!
I loved the scare tactics video lol
ReplyDeleteDid it really come across like that to you? There was nothing said in that documentary that I have not, so far, been able to disprove by looking at different sources.