Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Why I blog? Just my 2¢

I find myself amazed at how the blogging/networking phenomenon has taken the world by storm over the past few years. Every day I seem to find a new one to subscribe to....I'm hanging out for the universal ID idea to work across all the different blogging platforms, it would make my life easier. But that's not really what I wanted to talk about.

Just before christmas I was feeling very disillusioned with the whole deal. I actually pulled up the 'delete your account' page and sat there for a few minutes with an itchy mouse finger. Then I decided that before I did it, I really should check if there was any info I wanted to back up. I got totally distracted reading through a few older posts and before I knew it had changed my mind. Not because I rate myself as a blogger but because the comments were pure gold. I hadn't laughed so hard for ages.

But since then...well I don't know, maybe I'm just ultra sensitive at the moment, but in the last couple of weeks I have had at least half a dozen people comment directly to me to the effect of "you are blogging an awful lot at the moment aren't you?"

So I'm blogging a lot.....In comparison to what?
If I compare it to the number of times a year I wear socks (which is 2 or 3 times.... tops) well yeah I guess I am. But if I was to do the whole blogs versus the number of cups of coffee I consume then I'd have to say No, I don't blog much!

Could be a touch of paranoia on my part. What exactly do they mean? Do I just take that statement at face value? Are they just making general conversation,  is it a  good thing or not? Do they mean I'm blogging too often and I should just pull my head in and ease up on the number of posts?
Feedback is great but be a little more specific would ya? I'm not a mind reader.

It seems to me that unless you restrict your posts to close friends/family only, once a blogger develops an audience (of both supporters and critics) demands begin to be made on the blogger by the audience.

I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about, you would have found them on your own blog, if you have one. Demands like : Post more often, stop flooding my inbox with your posts, sick of/love the drama,  post more personal blogs, I want to see pictures, make a video, your jokes are lame, if you post another fcking music video I will hunt you down and kill you and your cat...

I could go on and on but I think you get the point.  And it makes me wonder, at what point do we decide our blogs are in fact no longer our own and modify our behaviour to adjust to the audience demand? Do we do this unconsciously anyway.... how many times have you blogged on a topic and been disappointed or surprised at  the response? Has the audience reaction made you want blog more/or less about that topic? Do you blog on demand?

Some people see their blogs as a publication, perhaps to showcase their artistic or photography skills, others as having a specific agenda (e.g buy my stuff), some are wholly personal and up to the whims of the person blogging. Blogs are interesting to me when there is a full personality there, writing about topics that appeal precisely because of the context of an individual’s perspective. Sometimes I’m interested in how to roast great coffee, sometimes I want to share with others their sorrows and joys as well as my own, sometimes it’s all about learning a new CSS technique.

I don’t think there’s any one way to blog, nor is there a right way. I think that reading blogs is a bit like T.V. in that if you don’t find what you want on someone’s blog, chances are pretty good you can change the virtual channel and find something that suits you better.

I chose to blog about certain things for a reason, and if zero, ten, or ten thousand people read or stopped reading, it wouldn’t matter. I’d blog to an empty house or a full one. For me, blogging is an outlet, my personal  cathartic as you will. My desire to please people suggests, at times, that maybe I should let my audience drive my content. And sure I will occasionally blog on a certain topic because I know it's of interest to a contact or I want to push some buttons, but at the end of the day my instinct demands that I stay true to what and who I am, not what others want.

So I'm turning the soapbox over to you....
Why do you blog or not blog?


  1. I for one like to read your blogs, you amaze me with your knowledge and I enjoy participating in the polls etc, and I don't think you blog a lot either, maybe the people who commented are a little bit envious, and as you obviously find enjoyment out of blogging you carry on girl. If I don't see a post from you I usually think theres something wrong lol, I need my Angie quota daily lol.

    As for me well thats another story lol, I blog about things that probably don't interest many people, but when I get my head on, its usually bout things that make me moan or uneventful events that I think maybe people may be interested in, maybe I should think about blogging about something that people might enjoy reading about, but at this present moment in time I'm into sock hop slots in pogo and trying to rank out, so I need my daily quota of ducks too.

    As they say watch this space, maybe a blog coming your way in the future.

  2. I began blogging because I simply enjoyed writing. Then I suddenly became flooded with readers and my writing shifted ever so slightly... then I suffered a loss that caused me immense pain. Writing became difficult in any arena and to be honest, I have yet to return to writing for the love of writing. I simply write. Pure nonsense. And only for contacts, although even then I still somehow get crazies who occasionally send me PMs or the like... just before my birthday I had a horrid message from a friend of a friend of a friend and I nearly deleted my account. But I am babbling... I have found myself reading more than posting these days. And that is all I can do... *sighs*

    I'm making no sense... I LOVED this post, Angie... it is a topic I have been considering writing myself as of late. Well done you:)

  3. I dont think you blog alot Ang, as allie when you dont I wonder whats up, So I enjoy ur blogs I tried to read them all. Even if it's not something that is "my taste or what have you" I still enjoy ur opinon and find you to be very educated. So to those who think ur doing to much :-P on them. U have more fans than not.
    As for my blogging it's more personal as you already know. I try to blog twice a week but I know for sure atleast once. That way everyone knows I'm sticking around. I know I dont always post what others like but ya know it's my blog either read it or dont. Doesnt hurt me, although I would like ppl to read them of course. I have had several comments that I didnt expect in the past and few that I didnt like. But like everyone has an ass everyone has an opinion. I too have thought about deleting my account more than once but some of you I have been friends with more than 6-7yrs. I dont want to lose that connection. And so I bore or delight you with my blogs lol
    great blog ang xoxo

  4. Alli,

    Thanks ;)
    I'm hoping that the people that did make the comments will elaborate on their reasons, I may be just guilty of overthinking this.

    I know I'm one person in your audience that drops not so subtle hints that's it's time for you to write a blog...but honestly when it becomes an obligation or a chore where is the fun in that?

    I haven't tried sock hop....I'm going to have to stalk you in pogo and see what it's like lol

  5. You were the first one to welcome me to the blogging world while I was fumbling trying to figure out just what is a blog. I don't know how I would take that comment "you are blogging an awful lot at the moment aren't you?". In recent weeks I myself have noticed some comments to me both in blog and private that makes me wonder. Multiply works a little different than the other sites and when I send out a PM to all my contacts any response is sent to all. I've been asked how to make that stop etc... I blog a lot like you, when I am inspired I blog a lot. When I'm not then it's a long spell. The biggest disappointment to me in recent months was while I was recovering from surgery. I was not at home for quite a few weeks and got to the log in just enough to let everyone know all went well. When I was able to get online I found two friends had dropped me. I thought that was rather rude just because I was away for a life changing thing.

  6. Marie,

    When I started out I was merely a subscriber to several friends blogs, I saw it more of a forum to publicly write a diary, and I thought I can't do this, my life is too boring....even 4 years later I still don't feel that comfortable writing a lot about my personal life. But once I figured out there were 'no rules' I could still write, on any subject there was no stopping me! I don't pass on email forwards any more....if I want to share I'll post it.

    Your nonsense posts (as you call them) are highly entertaining. I feel your frustration with the writers block, I know you have a real gift with words....sometimes the hardest taskmaster to please is ourselves ;)

  7. I'll BRB to answer your comments Jean & Greg
    Need to make coffee, and maybe a snack lol

  8. Jean,

    I try hard not to miss your updates, we have all known each other far too long to lose that connection & I miss your blogs when you aren't around.

    Don't let the odd critical comment deter you, usually it's more about 'them' than you...we all have bad days and well some people are just an ass permanently! lol

    Thanks for your comment :)

  9. Greg,

    Group PM's....some people love em, some hate them. Personally I've decided that life's too short to get my knickers in a knot over such a trivial issue. I'll read them and depending on the author/other recipients I'll either choose to reply "to all" or "reply to the author" or just ignore it.

    I still think it stinks that those couple of contacts deleted you, it's not like you hadn't explained your absence. Definitely their loss!

    I'm glad I met you and I'm so glad you decided to give multiply another try :D

  10. I'm glad I gave Multiply another go too. The options are fabulous just takes some getting used to. I'm so glad we met. Part of my blog writings was inspired by you. Most of all I enjoy playing chess with you. We've had some killer games! xoxo

  11. Hey we definitely should catch up for a game one weekend soon...I haven't had my butt kicked in some time lol

  12. *sniff* I think I'm gonna cry, anyone got a tissue? lol

    Sorry Greg...just talkin the piss mate lmao

  13. Why do I blog? Believe it or not, I have asked myself this very question several times in the past months. Like you, I've come very close to pulling the plug and calling it an experience.
    My main interest in blogging is photography. I enjoy seeing people's photos and having people comment on mine but I could do the same thing on Flicker. Many of the people I blog with are from Yahoo 360. I use my blog to keep people informed as to what is going on in my life without getting too personal with details. I enjoy happy blogs, jokes and witty blogs, blogs that make me laugh and relax. I determine when I blog and if people don't like it they can drop me.

  14. Lise,
    I'm glad you haven't thrown in the towel, and when you blog about your personal life I think you have hit on exactly the right balance. I don't read it and cringe thinking "that's an overshare"! yet you give us enough tidbits here and there that I feel like I know you and feel included ;) Believe it or not there are people that I have been connected to for years yet I couldn't even tell you one piece of information about them, except perhaps the country they are from. I try to respect their choice not to share although it does frustrate me occasionally.

    I love your photographs, even though I can't add any comments from a technical aspect ;)

    Humour blogs are my favourite as well, although I do like to tackle serious topics from time to time, I'm here to relax and have a good time for the most part.

  15. I find your blogs very interesting, clever, witty and intelligent. A lot of them crack me up and make me feel good.
    I also like the way you pepper in some very serious topics here and there. It's a perfect mix.

  16. My question to you then would be this, why did you consider to delete and/or not blog anything more when you got these comments about your increase in blogging?

    Personally I blog when I feel like it, I dont have an audience like you and I'm pretty sure I dont want one! On another personal note, I happen to enjoy your post, whether I agree with what is said or not. The rate in which you post or dont post isn't something I'm going to hunt you down over. The way I figure it, this is your page, what you put on it, if you put anything on it is completely up to you and as you've said, as the reader I've got the right to read or not read, what I dont have the right to do is tell you what to write about and how often to write it.

  17. Yes, the comments are precious especially in my hidden blogs and in the old original page of mine which i backed up in a private account.

    continue backing up the comments just for precaution.

  18. Actually the two incidents weren't related.....initially.

    It was before christmas that I was thinking of stopping blogging. Perhaps using the word disillusioned was a bad choice, it was more that I was suffering from an attack of the holiday grumps and feeling a little jaded and bored.

    So I get my act back together and an attitude adjustment and then suddenly a rash of similar comments hit. Like I said maybe I'm just being over sensitive and reading into something that's not there, but it did get me pondering was my gut instinct to quit right?

    Only one of those people that made the comments has viewed this...so far. They haven't elaborated...yet.

    Frequency doesn't really bother me (speaking of my own or others), but clearly it is something that bugs some people, otherwise why mention it in the first place?

  19. They are the best part of the whole blogging experience for me

  20. I think it would only be right, if you no longer got enjoyment out of posting or reading posts. I guess my next question would be...how high up on your give a damn list do these few who commented rate?

  21. and yet my comments got deleted *sniff* whaaaaaaa

  22. your what got deleted? did you comment? I haven't removed any.

  23. Actually a couple of them rate very highly, I guess maybe that's why it's bothering me so much.

  24. If they're close to you, I would guess that it was said in fun, like damn girl you got a bloggin' bug or something with all these posts! Or you're posting faster than I can keep up! I'm sure they didnt mean to upset you or have you take it to heart :-)

  25. I thought that I was actually the first one to post and gave a long history as to how I got into it. No problem, it was long and boring. Multiply has been wonky that way and other people have been complaining of comments not showing up elsewhere.

  26. that must be it, I've had a few problems lately but not that one.

    I would have been interested to read how and why you got into blogging...maybe you could give us the abridged version? lol

  27. I had moved away from friends and family to a town that was never very welcoming to me. I kept sane by writing long detailed e-mails to folks back home who were impressed by the style. I eventually returned to my comfort zone and with the angst gone, so went my creative muse, but I did find voice in my opinions on daily happenings.

    The friends I had here eventually drifted as life is apt to take them and I returned to the electric medium to replace them. I edged in carefully via aYahell group that acceptled me and those bonds remain strong to this day. As my comfort with technology grew so did my footprint on the web and I have raised my voice in a great many forums and have remained where I found acceptance.

    As for those who would comment on content or frequency, I have to post as I feel comfortable and if it is not acceptable, god gave us all iggy buttons.

  28. Thanks Ken,

    I can certainly relate to the isolation feelings of moving away from the friend/family base. Unfortunately most of my friends/family either don't have the time or the inclination to join a networking forum....there are a few I email selected posts to as a way of keeping in touch, but of course they can't participate in the comments on the posts.

    I'll have to make some time to stop by and check out your posts ;)

  29. I agree with you. I am quite selfish, I blog about what interests me, and if someone else wants to read it great. If they don't, then that is fine too. But I think if we write about what interests us, then our involvement shows through and people tend to engage.

    I like to blog because I have found I learn best when I write about something. Sometimes its also just an outlet.

    Its our blogs after all. We can do what we want with them. Or not.

    There are some bloggers out there who seem to think of themselves like an American TV programme where comments are like ratings and its all about how many comments they get, lol. I tend to find that quite weird (you are not being paid after all, so why should it matter).

    I do find it odd that people feel they can criticise how often you blog or try to get you to do something different. If they want something different, let them do it on their own page.

  30. Wow that war pretty interesting. I confess I started blogging because it seemed like the best thing to do while at work.

    I don't really have any specific topic to blog about, usually just what comes to mind at the time - sometimes it'll be personal stuff, other times it'll be something spiritual and other times something completely stupid....it all depends on my mood. I have my multiply blog partially made public so some of my relatives who aren't on multiply can read selected blogs but the "real-good-stuff" is reserved for those on my friends list.

    I like reading other blogs because sometimes I learn something new, other times there are fun games to play..... and ya, it gets me some attention to!

  31. You? Narcissitic?............... Naaaahhhhh can't see it myself? lol

    I'll be back to reply seriously to both your & Iri's comments in a lil while, there is a show on tv I want to catch.

  32. Is it falling? Will you use a net? lmao

  33. ok don't hate me everyone but I have to confess that I am one of the dirty half dozen.
    I can't speak for any of the others but I didn't mean it in a horrible way. as you know I haven't been around since the end of october, well it's not like I didn't expect any of you to stop blogging until I showed up again but I didn't quite expect to have 26 pages of updates to catch up on. I have less than 20 contacts. I made that comment in jest, no hidden motives whatsoever. Please accept my apologies if I offended you xx

    I love, love LOVE your blogs. Your recipes are great and I have tried a few of the easier ones. You could write about paint drying and make it sound fascinating, so please don't stop blogging.

    I think I posted about this topic on my own page at some point, but I signed up on 360 just out of curiosity, somehow stumbled across your page and was hooked instantly. Despite your best efforts to hide I followed you here and started blogging myself. Most of my blogs are personal updates so I enjoy hanging out on your page for the variety. I have made some wonderful friends via you and Lee and for that I am thankful.

  34. Iri,
    I don't see that as selfish, what is the point of writing about something that bores you? The passion you have for your subject clearly comes through when you write. I love the way you structure your posts, so logical and easy to follow...and you do your homework, I know I don't have to run around checking facts because you've done it, and I trust you.

    I can't say I've noticed many bloggers on here competing for ratings, apart from the odd person that uses hit counters. I would rather get one or two meaningful comments than 100 lol's. Guess we all obssess over different things.

  35. Susan,

    If I had to work the hours you do I'd want a distraction like blogging as well !
    I like the fact that we can set our privacy levels for each post, although 99% of mine are set for my network it's nice to know I can tailor the audience to the post, not the other way round.

  36. Thanks Angie. I don't think I have your lightness of touch though, I really enjoy your posts too. (apart from that awful picture last week hehehe)

    The comments can be really interesting. Sometimes I can tell how good or bad a job I have done of writing a blog just by whether people actually got what I am trying to say.

  37. well actually I was going to get you to lie down on the floor in front of it.......

  38. you will be pleased to know I haven't managed to find any more of those lol
    but, I'll keep looking (maybe I'll have to draw one myself)

    I totally agree about the comments being a good gauge of how well you've covered the subject.

  39. Donna

    Actually I did pick up on the fact that your comment was made because you were feeling overwhelmed. You know most of us wouldn't blame you if you didn't even try to catch up. So no I'm not offended.

    perhaps I should introduce you to the rest of the half dirty dozen......you could even get tshirts printed up haha

  40. I don't know.I started one a very long time ago to get on a book group.I started writing quirky stuff and never really got round to bearing my soul.I keep on because I enjoy other's blogs.I post when I feel like it,when the muse strikes.My life because of my disability is very restricted and very little happens so it's hard to find a lot of inspiration.I think I'd post more often if I had a life.

  41. I totally understand that, my health has been up and down in the last year, I just don't have energy to go out and explore new places and take amazing photo's. I wanted to concentrate on writing something serious but that hasn't really panned out either. Guess I'll just stick with what I'm doing for now.

  42. I love your blogs Angie, your smart , funny, and i never know what i may find in your blogs because you always write about different things some things i never even heard of lol! I blog because its a way for me to have friends, let them get to know me a little,i love reading other peoples blogs about there personal lives those are my favorite, it lets me see how other people live, the things they go through etc...,

  43. Connie I'm the same, the little things as well as the big things are fascinating.

    Just a suggestion, if you find it hard to write about your personal life because you think it's boring why don't you do a Question/Answer blog...where we can ask you about all of the things we want to know about you, or about where you live. Of course you wouldn't have to answer anything you didn't feel comfortable about sharing.
    I have a few things in mind I want to know already :D

  44. That is an excellent reason to blog ;)

    I'll think about that one. My friend Matt has done a couple of "ask Matt anything" blogs where he is there at a certain time to answer any questions. The live chat is great but sometimes it hard to come up with questions on the spot. plus there are so many different time zones to take into account...Maybe people could just post questions at their leisure and I'll answer them when I can? Or of course there is the obvious... if you want to know something why not just ask at the time?

  45. Thats a good idea, i could do that, thanks for the thought.

  46. *starts writing my list for Connie* lol

  47. If'in you will notice, I so stopped blogging until I knew you were back!! :-D I think my friendship ratings should go up unlike all the other ungratefuls! lmao

  48. blogging is an avenue to exchange different ideals and interests outside of the main media. A way of communication amongst us. I do sometimes get discouraged when no one reads them, but hey maybe they should be more interesting.lol

    Still it affords me an opportunity to express my world view whether anyone agrees or reads them or not..

  49. Whatever gave you the idea that they aren't interesting? I enjoy them, but I definitely have to be in the right frame of mind.
    If I'm tired or not concentrating very well I just don't take in the information very well.
    I have a few bookmarked that I plan to tackle :)

  50. DON'T YOU DARE DELETE!!!!!! OMG...What would I do without your page????ANGIE...Seriously...Who cares what they think...if you are happy doing it...Then DO IT! I LOVE your page...I look forward to your page probably more so than my own...and anyone elses for that fact. Besides that...Between you and a few others...OMG...you are my Rational side. I go back and read my blogs and the comments that others have left and I find myself in the same situation of laughing my arse off at some of the things that have been said...As for those who talk about you blogging a lot...I repeat the famous words of Marie Antoinette, "qu'ils mangent de la brioche." Or even better...."OFF WITH THEIR HEADS" by the ever gracious...QUEEN OF HEARTS...;)

  51. Getting my thinking hat on that idea Donna, I always get stuck on what to write about, but a question n anser one may be good

  52. Thank you for the kind words Kerrie
    No I won't stop blogging, if I didn't have multiply as a distraction what else could I find to occupy my free time...apart from thinking up news ways to torture Lee & Mark? lol

  53. Hey, I resemble that remark. Truth be told the idea came from a couple of different places, one was the "Ask Mark Anything" segment that Mark Madden, a local sports talk guy, used to use on his radio show, the other being that while I might blog about stuff that interests me, that isn't all there is to me, and I might just be too stupid to bring up that which interests others. Mind you, it doesn't mean I will answer the tough questions, someone posting college level algebra should probably look elsewhere for their answers, but the idea is that there are some things people would like to know that I just haven't considered. As a wise friend of mine once said about radio, there are more brains out there than in here.

    As for the need to blog or not blog, I just remind myself that the page is mine, for as long as Multiply lets me use it. What that means is you get unfiltered me on the page, sometimes I will blog alot, others not so much, depending on my mood, which is in my opinion, how the page should be. Rarely do I let others influence what I write, unless I specifically seek out their input ahead of time. Once you let the page be your own, the other concerns/complaints just fall by the wayside.

  54. I need to take that onboard, thanks Matt

  55. I did notice, but then not everyone is as considerate as you lol
